we need your help to

advance equity in design

Roxbury Cultural District

Boston, Massachusetts

Donate to the Sasaki Foundation

We are a 501(c)(3) private foundation committed to our mission of equity in design. With your support, we fund community grants, host public events, and run youth programs. This empowers communities, amplifies voices, and engages students in career exploration.


Interested in sponsorship? Learn more.

Interested in donating your time? Learn more.


Thank you to all our past and current financial supporters!


Sasaki Associates, Inc.   |   Sasaki Family Revocable Trust   |   American Student Assistance   |   Barr Foundation   |   Boston Global Investors   |   BR+A Consulting Engineers   |  Bradley Site Design   |   Carol R. Johnson Associates, Inc.   |   City of Boston Office of Youth Employment Opportunity (SuccessLink)   |   Columbia Construction   |   Commonwealth Corporation   |   DLJ Real Estate Capital Partners   |   Eastern Bank   |   Foundant   |   Glumac, Inc.   |   Ink Source Tattoo Studio   |   JLL   |   Landscape Forms   |   Le Messurier   |   Lexington Historical Society   |   Massachusetts Institute of Technology   |   Naveo Credit Union   |   STEM Solutions LLC

$40,000+ Lifetime Donor

Mark Dawson

$30,000+ Lifetime Donor

Ricardo C. Dumont   |   Stephen E. Hamwey

$20,000+ Lifetime Donor

David J. Dymecki​   |   Elizabeth C. Meek   |   Fred L. Merrill Jr.   |   Mary Anne Ocampo   |   Chris Sgarzi

$10,000+ Lifetime Donor

Stuart O. Dawson   |   Richard F. Galehouse   |  Nancy K. Harrod   |  Joseph Hibbard   |  Daniel R. Kenney   |   James N. Miner   |   Dennis Pieprz   |   Laurance S. Rockefeller   |   James A. Sukeforth   |   Alan L. Ward

$5,000+ Lifetime Donor

Kenneth Bassett   |   Perry Chapman   |   Zachary Chrisco   |   Fiske Crowell   |   Andrew Gutterman   |   T. Ha-Ngoc   |   Anthony D. N. Mallows   |   Laura G. Marrett   |   Bill Massey   |   Alan I. Resnick   |   Robert Sabbatini   |   Nelson Scott Smith   |   Tim M. Stevens

$2,500+ Lifetime Donor

Catherine Bell   |   John Cinkala   |   John A. Coons   |   Janne Corneil   |   Gina Ford   |   Vinicius Gorgati   |   Michael Grove   |   Jason Hellendrung   |   David and Beth Hirzel   |   John D. Hollywood   |   Bryan Irwin   |   Greg Janks   |   Kathryn Madden   |   Meredith McCarthy   |   Alistair T. McIntosh   |   Don Olson   |   Norris Strawbridge   |   Tao Zhang

$1,000+ Lifetime Donor

Gary T. Anderson   |   Pradeep Aradhya   |   Michael H. Bourque   |   Caroline Braga   |   Steven Brittan   |   Caitlyn Clauson   |   Jill Allen Dixon   |   Christine Dunn   |   Nancy B. Freedman   |   Steve E. Garbier   |   Varoujan Hagopian   |   Teresa James   |   Owen Lang   |   Doug Larence   |   Alexandra Lee   |   Katia Lucic   |   David L. McIntyre   |   Helen Nakayama   |   Ponnapa Prakkamakul   |   Steven Roscoe   |   Romil Sheth   |   Roy V. Viklund   |   Victor Vizgaitis   |   Elizabeth von Goeler   |   Debbie Wallis


The Hideo Sasaki Foundation is a 501(c)(3) private foundation, EIN 04-3534908. Your gift is tax-deductible to the full extent provided by law.