July 24, 2019
Introducing the Incubator’s Newest Tenant: HEXAHOME
Alicia Deluga
We recently welcomed a new tenant to the mix at the Incubator at Sasaki: all the way from Bogotá, Colombia, HEXAHOME.
HEXAHOME is a responsive house prototype that will fulfill the needs of communities affected by natural disasters due to climate change. HEXAHOME consists of a flexible hexagonal unit built with natural and reachable materials that, with the correct maintenance, will remain safe and durable. The prototype is designed around a hexagonal shape given the different degrees of connectivity that the prototype allows, providing dwellers to work and interact in multiple ways.
These homes are highly-adaptable to different kinds of emergency situations, including flooding. In this case, the design includes temporary flotation capabilities, increasing resiliency and decreasing risk.
The goals of this prototype are:
1) to face natural disasters and emergencies due to climate change by implementing a new prototype of house that will respond in a resilient and effective way.
2) to empower the community to be resilient and participate in the construction process allowing them to be inclusive, to implement new values and sense of belonging.
3) to raise awareness of the local resources, regional materials and recycled materials implemented in the prototype, generating a sustainable and ecological impact.
4) to provide low-class communities the opportunity of a safe and affordable house, without putting them at risk of an emergency.
“HEXAHOME is driven by purpose and by the commitment to use design and planning as tools for profound social transformation” says Juan Constain Ramos, co-founder of HEXAHOME. “Communities most vulnerable face the biggest threats from climate change today. We think community driven design and participation are key in addressing complex challenges such as resiliency and adaptation.”
Cecilia Constain Ramos, also a co-founder of HEXAHOME, discussed the value of being in the Incubator at Sasaki. “Collaborative spaces such as the Incubator at Sasaki are great testing grounds for disruptive ideas. We are thrilled to have conversations with a diverse set of practitioners that are driving our iterative design process”.
HEXAHOME will be in the Incubator at Sasaki through mid-August. They are part of the network of ambitious people who are committed to advancing solutions to the major challenges our generation faces, in the areas of climate change, transportation, housing and more.
By convening research teams and entrepreneurs in the Incubator at Sasaki, the Sasaki Foundation explores ways to increase local awareness of planning and designing for resilience and inform systems-level approaches to climate risks and solutions. In addition, our teams and tenants explore how we can model best practices for reducing carbon emissions, increasing building energy efficiency, and improving urban storm-water management.
Want to get involved with HEXAHOME’s work? Follow HEXAHOME on Instagram and check out their website.

Flood house prototype, or prototipo de vivienda flotante.